Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Be still, and know that I am God

"The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul." (Psalm 23: 1-3). This is a beautiful babbling brook I came across last June (2010) on my first day in the French Alps...so peaceful and, with the mountains and sunshine, full of the majesty of God's creation. I sat down here for a while and just enjoyed 'being' in the presence of my Father, the Creator of the universe. It was a special time.

In recent weeks – and months, if I'm honest – I feel God has been prompting me to spend more quality time with Him – not just for me to learn to pray (talk at Him!) better, but also for me to learn to listen better. I've failed at this for a number of reasons...mainly lack of time-management and too much self-interest.

A couple of weeks' ago I led the topic at home group. It had been a busy week and I hadn't made time to prepare anything until the actual day. I'd expected to find a good verse to delve into - or to spark discussion on a particular life theme. However, as I wondered and sought inspiration, it dawned on me to look into the discipline of having a quiet time and what that might mean, and to share my findings.

Having a quiet time really is a (spiritual) discipline. We can get so caught up in the day-to-day art of 'doing', that it's easy to forget how to just 'be'. I am a serial 'faffer' - give me some spare time and I will easily fill it doing 'stuff'. Sometimes I find myself with a spare hour or two - perfect time to spend with God. But no, there's usually always something else to do - like watching tv or surfing the interweb or 'painting my nails'. It makes me wonder how I am any good at sustaining any relationship with that attitude?! It's easy to become anaesthetised to such promptings when we choose to constantly ignore them, and yet God never gives up on us. Thank God He doesn't!

Even Jesus needed time away from people and life in the presence of His Father...so how much more do we?! A quiet time is fellowship with a Holy God. Christianity is not a legal relationship, it is a love relationship. Ten thousand 'don'ts' will never make us one iota more like the Jesus. It is Jesus Himself who makes us like Him. But we need to spend time with Him, as with any relationship of substance.

A good friend recently reminded me of two questions we should be asking of God:
"What is going to satisfy Your heart?"
"What is going to bring You the glory?"
There are times in my life when I have put God first and made that sacred time and it has been rewarding. How frustrating it is to grow out of that habit. Below is basically (with a few later thoughts) what I shared with my home group – as much for myself as anyone else! (I like to hand out notes on things I do!).


A guide to doing quiet time

Quiet time is one of the most essential aspects of our Christian life, especially in today’s fast-paced busy world. Many Christians take some time reading the bible every day and while it is very useful, just reading the bible will not lead us to a much deeper and fuller walk with Christ. We need to spend time in His words, study them and learn from them every day.

Without daily regular quiet time, our spiritual life can be seriously under nourished, just as our body can be without proper food and water. How often do we forget or avoid a quiet time due to a busy schedule? Has anybody ever forgotten to eat for a day due to work?!

Our quiet time need only take about 10-15 minutes. Obviously, if we can do more, great! It 'should' be our best time - not our leftovers. Finding time won't happen - we need to make time. We can choose ‘when’ according to our schedule. For some, morning works better; for others, the evening may work well. It is important to try and stick to a set fixed time everyday, as it brings discipline and consistency.

What do we need?
A quiet place to focus (see Matthew 6:6: "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.", a Bible, notebook and pen. Jesus sought out places where He could be alone and we need to do the same. While it is fine to occasionally refer to Bible commentary or a dictionary for difficult passages, try and study the Bible as it is and ask God for His guidance in understanding the passage. It is good practice to take notes in the quiet time – you will be amazed and encouraged when you see them years later!
“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)
How to do quiet time
Start with prayer: be natural and honest with God. Tell Him how you feel. Pray out loud if possible - it helps keep your mind on track and enables you to stay focused.
Spend just a few minutes in worship and thanksgiving
Spend some time in asking God for forgiveness for our sins
Ask for His guidance in today’s quiet time

Passage for quiet time: 
Select any book of the Bible and stick with it for the duration. It helps us get the whole picture, as well as making our quiet time more enjoyable. As a suggestion, select about 8-10 verses but don’t select a whole chapter as there may not be time to cover it.

Read the passage 2-3 times
There are many suggested guides as to ways of studying and you're welcome to find something that works for you. Below is my suggestion - this bible study method is also called the ASPECT method:

Ask the following questions:
AAbout God – what can I learn about God through this passage?
SSin – does it talk about any sin?
PPromise – is there any promise in the Word?
E Example – is there any example I can follow?
CCommand – are there any commands I need to obey?
TTeaching – what can I learn and take away from this passage?

Suggestions for a concluding prayer:
  • Thank God for His guidance in the quiet time
  • Worship God for His character
  • Pray for deliverance from any sin
  • Ask for strength for that or the next day
Our spiritual train is running on two rails; one is revelation and the other is obedience. And if either rail stops, our train stops. We need to learn to obey the Word of God.

God did not make us to be reservoirs; He made us to be conduits! If it seems right, share what God is showing you with others that you trust - it may encourage them!


A few years ago  I wrote a song, initially inspired by Psalm 62:1-2:
"For the director of music. For Jeduthun. A psalm of David. My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken."
It grew to become about that special time we spend with our Father - and through that, know who we are. Maybe when I've learned that discipline I'll get the song finally finished!

I am Your child

In You, O Lord, my soul finds its home
You, O Lord, are my strength and salvation
Resting in the shelter of Your wings
Living in the presence of Your love
I am Your child

In You, O Lord, my soul finds its peace
You, O Lord, are my fountain of faithfulness
Trusting in the One who calls my name
Living in the promise of Your Word
I am Your child

You’re my Rock, I will not be shaken
You’re my Hope, my Mighty Defender
In this place, where You reign, You are my King
My Everything

"Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths..." (Psalm 36:5-7) View of the mountain from the chalet balcony as the sun was setting.

And on a lighter note... :oD

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